I have received this question twice in the past two days! Do you restring other people's pearls? or Do you restring pearls from another pearl company? The answer is yes! We actually hardly ever work with our own pearls unless we are creating our new jewelry designs. Otherwise we work with all kinds of pearls... Mikimoto pearls, vintage pearls, imitation pearls, high end pearls, graduated strands, large pearls, small pearls and even non-pearls! We work with all kinds of beaded jewelry! Here is an email I received from a woman who was wondering if we restring other people's pearls and she has quite a story:
I'm reaching out because I have a handful of pearls that were from a necklace my grandma gave me - only a handful left because I was robbed and my necklace broke so I could only find a few but I wanted to see about getting 3-4 necklaces with a single pearl on it... I don't know if you restring pearls that weren't purchased from you but I can't find anyone that does... I would obviously pay! But the pearls themselves are special to me.
Do you do anything like that or know of anyone who does? Any help would be appreciated!
Thanks :) - Kate
Oh I get so bummed out knowing people were robbed!!!
Hi Kate!
I am so sorry to hear you were robbed! We have many customers who are simply replacing pearls they were robbed of and it just breaks my heart! So, yes, let's so something wonderful with your grandma's pearls!
The labor to make a single pearl necklace is $10. If we created them on sterling silver chains, the chains are $1 an inch so a 16" necklace would be $16 plus labor. 18" would be $18 plus labor.
Feel free to outline what interests you or you can simply send the pearls to us and we can discuss our options when they arrive.To send them over, you can mail them directly to us or order a Jewelry Return kit or label. See here for more details:

If you mail them directly to us, include the attached info so we have your order notes and address on file.
Thanks so much for reaching out! We cannot wait to do something wonderful with your grandma's pearls!
Founder of ThePearlGirls.com
The Pearl Girls
548 Hawthorne Ave
Athens, GA 30606