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A Passion for Pearls

Meet The Pearl Girls Founder, India Rows:

It is my greatest gift that I can share my love of pearls with you! I have worked with pearls since 2006 but my love affair began long before then. I have been playing dress up with pearls my whole life! And when I turned 8, my Dad gave me a strand of my own!

On a 2006 trip through Asia, I discovered amazing pearls and pearl suppliers. By 2008, I started The Pearl Girls.

A Pearl Graduate

I loved pearls so much but I figured if I was going to sell pearls, I wanted to know everything I could about them.

So, I got a degree in Pearls! I currently have my Graduate Pearls Diploma from the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) and I continue to study pearls everyday.

Pearls from The Source

My natural progression was to continue traveling and by 2013 I was traveling directly to pearl farms to source pearls for The Pearl Girls collections.

I have been to pearl farms in China, Japan, Hong Kong, Australia, Indonesia, Fiji, Mexico, French Polynesia, Vietnam and even in the US. And I continue to travel to more places learning, growing and buying pearls.

Heirloom Pearls

On the homefront, The Pearl Girls naturally progressed.

Since we create new designs, we quickly realized the need for quality pearl knotters and jewelry makers.

Along with creating The Pearl Girls jewelry, our staff also reknots and repairs pearls and beaded jewelry from all over the world. This has been an amazing experience for us and has broadened our knowledge of heirloom and vintage pearls.

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The Evolution of Pearls

The Pearl Girls® has changed a lot since I started it.. I went from selling The Pearl Girls® jewelry in pearl parties, with a wonderful group of sales reps, to selling wholesale.

We still sell some wholesale but the bulk of our sales are online and at our shop at 548 Hawthorne Ave in Athens, GA.

I am so proud of The Pearl Girls® Reknot and Repair Department. We receive boxes and boxes of pearls and beaded jewelry from all over the world that we reknot, restring, and repair for our customers.

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Bragging Rights

Growing this business while raising two children has been challenging... and I wouldn't change a minute of it!

After my son Jack was born in 2010, I remember sitting at my home office watching him kick and play on the floor. I wondered if I could ever have the space to both work and keep my son close. My son Harry was born in 2011. I vowed to never let my business keep me from motherhood.

My dream was to create an office with onsite childcare for my staff and our families. I opened that office (with two playrooms and an outside play area) in January of 2015.

The greatest joy of this business are the people. My heart overflows with love for the women who have worked with me and continue to work with me to make The Pearl Girls ® an amazing place.

And Our Customers…

And can I tell you how wonderful our customers are? Every new staff member is blown over by the grace and beauty of our customers. They are the true gems!

I receive hand-written notes, personal phone calls and emails from our customers. I call these wonderful people our greatest supporters. If *you* did not choose to support us, love us, shop with us then none of this would be possible.

Thank you for growing with us, for calling us when the website has a hiccup, for understanding our mission and loving that we have chosen to run The Pearl Girls a bit differently. When we have a loud crew of kids in our playrooms and you come in to shop, thank you for understanding we might be the loudest and most energetic pearl shop you have ever been in!

And maybe one day I can sound-proof our walls…

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Do You Want to Be A Pearl Girl?

We supply amazingly beautiful cultured pearls through our website, retail stores and through nationwide retailers and catalogs. Shop online or give us a call at 706-850-5296.

I lead pearl hunting trips around the world to pearl farms to personally select the pearls for our collections. Join me!

I love leading talks and presentations on pearls and I contribute to pearl research and articles. Book a Pearl Girl to come talk to your organization!

Send us your broken or worn out jewelry to reknot, restring or repair!

Support our fundraisers! Take a Pearl Knotting Class!

Share Your Pearl Story!