About The Pearl Girls

The Pearl Girls create all of our jewelry and designs at our shop in Athens, GA. We also have a huge reknot and repair department. People all over the world ship us their pearls and beaded jewelry to reknot, repair or create into a new design. Along with our passion for pearls, we are passionate about creating jobs right here in our home base in Athens, GA. We provide many perks to our staff including childcare for our hardworking mothers! Thank you for supporting us so we can continue supporting others. And thanks for sharing in our passion!

Should You Restring Fake Pearls?

Thu, Sep 17, 2015 | Pearl Blog

If you read my last post, Do Not Get These Pearls Wet, you know that you should never get fake pearls wet in an attempt to clean them. Sometimes the pearl coating is too thin and fragile and will come off in water. Abby call tell you all about it or you can read up more in my last post... Should You Restring Fake Pearls?

Should You Restring Fake Pearls? - these pearls are 100 years old - the pearl girls

We were sent extremely old fake pearls from a customer in New Jersey who wanted them cleaned for his daughter-in-law for her wedding. We were so excited to help! Which brings us to an important question, should you restring fake pearls? Now, I think that we have a very important job of renewing the life of unworn and broken pearls. However, I love to tell our customers, it is not our job to appraise pearls. And I ask our pearl knotters not to judge the value of someone's pearls. So, under normal circumstances, I do not tell customer whether their pearls are real or fake. We simply make them look amazing.

Should You Restring Fake Pearls? - The Pearl Girls

However, in this case, we had to tell our customer his pearls were fake. Over time there had been significant damage the fake pearl's pearlescent coating and we feel that if we attempted to clean the pearls, we would cause further damage. And we didn't want to do that! So, is it worth it to restring fake pearls?

As a firm believer that the value of pearls goes beyond simple dollars and cents, I want to tell you about this one man's story. The strand he mailed us was from his great-grandmother. She passed away over 70 years ago so he estimates the strand to be over 100 years old. That means this necklace could have been around when World War I started. Think of all the years and memories and special events this necklace has been worn to. And, now, for this man to gift this strand to his own daughter in law... think of what is ahead for this ancient strand of pearls. So, should you restring fake pearls? I think so! I think this will make for a lovely piece an this couple gets married on Saturday!

Should You Restring Fake Pearls? - The After Photo - The Pearl Girls

We are sent lots of strands of fake pearls to reknot and restring for our customers. I say if you are enjoying your pearls and want to continue enjoying them, whether they are fake or not, we are happy to restring them for you! And you will be amazed at how much better they look! Order your no obligation Jewelry Return Kit today!


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